Diagnosing Your Vehicle at Tylers Auto TV in TIGARD

When we TIGARD residents get a car repair bill, we really shouldn’t be surprised to find “diagnostic fees” as one of the line items. When we get a computer fixed, there is usually a charge for the time it takes to diagnose the problem. When we go to a medical doctor, most of his fee…

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What Is That? Check Engine Light Service at Tylers Auto TV

Okay. You went to your local TIGARD car wash, and while your vehicle was under the dryer, the Check Engine light started flashing. Panic! What did you just do? Something is seriously wrong with the vehicle! You head for the nearest TIGARD service center, but on the way, the Check Engine light stops flashing and just…

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On Board Diagnostics for Your Engine

Starting in 1996, Tylers Auto TV service technicians have been able to use a standardized diagnostic system to help determine what is wrong with a vehicle. This diagnostic system works in tandem with the Engine Control Modules for each vehicle’s engine. The Engine Control Module is a computer that monitors and controls many engine functions.…

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Automotive Detective Work in TIGARD

There’s a reason we use the word “diagnose” when we talk about fixing cars in TIGARD. Figuring out what’s wrong with your vehicle has a lot of similarities to figuring out what’s wrong with someone who is ill. Vehicles are a mass of complex systems that can produce a variety of symptoms when something goes…

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The Tylers Auto TV Guide to Vehicle Diagnosis

Modern TIGARD vehicles have several computers on board that control all kinds of things like engine functions, transmission shifts, traction control, anti-lock brakes, stability control, emissions – and on some vehicles, even steering, braking and the throttle. Think about that for a minute – things that used to be controlled by simple mechanical connections now have electronic…

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